Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Breakfast Sandwiches Paul Style

Ok, so these things are freaking good, however, i don't know if any of you are daring enough to eat them. I hope you are, because they'll change your life. I made them up, so that should make you want to try them...


English McMuffin
Sausage (if you want)
Pancake batter
Cheese (if you want)


Fry egg to your liking.
fry sausage to your liking (the size of the english mcmuffin)
now here's the cool part....dip mcmuffin into pancake batter (with added syrup so it's a little sweet), then put it on the skillet until it looks exactly like the picture.
Pile it all up so it's a breakfast sandwich.
Eat it, and become a champion.


  1. You'll never eat more calories in one sitting!!

  2. This looks amazing. I know John is going to go for it as soon as he sees it. We'll report back our experience.
